Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mount Rushmore

Yesterday, we went to Mount Rushmore and it was amazing!!  The day was absolutely gorgeous, with temps in the 70s, and beautiful billowy clouds in the blue sky!  As we looked up at the presidents it was so impressive!  When you think about the engineering and effort to create it, you realize how awesome it is! I have always wanted to see Mount Rushmore and it didn’t disappoint!  Even the kids enjoyed it!  There was a hiking trail that was just the right length, not too long for the kids.  I am so glad we were able to go!



After Mount Rushmore, we went and had a nice picnic at Custer State Park, which is right next door. It was a lovely day!!

Arctic wolf - Looks a little like Pearl?
Today, we went to Bear Country USA, which is a drive-through wild animal park, where the animals come right up to your car! They had bears, lots of bears, huge elk, big horn sheep, arctic and timber wolves, and other animals I can’t even remember. This was great since Bill injured his calf running and now he is having a hard time walking, wawa!

This bear is crossing the road right in front of our car!


Rocky Mt Goat

Three little bears!

I have to say, I think Rapid City, SD has been the most interesting place we have visited so far, with so many different and neat things to do!  It definitely helps that the weather is absolutely fabulous too!  I’ll be sad to leave.

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